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LIVE Re-Watch of LOST: S6 E12 "Everybody Loves Hugo"

How do the live watches work?
The weekly LOST live watches happen every Saturday at 3PM Pacific / 6PM Eastern time in the Storm Podcast Slack. Not in our Slack group? Join our Patreon at any level, and instructions will be sent to you post haste!

Within the Slack, we will meet in the eponymously named episode channel (for example, #S2-E4-a-great-pun-Joanna-made-up.)

We begin 8 minutes past the hour so people have time to settle. One of the podcast hosts will provide a screenshot of a starting point so everyone can sync their screens up together. Once everyone is set, the host will lead a countdown from 10 to 1, then say play (at which point, you hit play on your device at home!).

Details for each watch will also be posted in the relevant channel in advance. We always have a dedicated thread for spoilers so as not to ruin any surprises for folks watching for the first time. We look forward to seeing you there!